PerformanceTeq are helping to provide the revolutionary 3D printed Impact Gumshields for all players. Impact will provide bespoke 3D printed Gumshields for each individual player using and intramural scanner which creates a realtime 3D model which is then printed to exact specifications.
The Gumshield offers 20% more protection while being 50% smaller than the leading competitors and at a more competitive price due to the cutting edge production process.
Impact Gumshields were developed over a 3-year period, thousands of testing hours and hundreds of design iterations to make the best fitting and most protective gumshield in sport. They also manage the whole registration process and payments online, so no extra admin for staff, coaches, players or parents.
Anthony Dyer, Managing Director for PerformanceTeq Ltd said: “PerformanceTeq is proud to be entering a partnership with the leading Rugby club in the City for all its sports Technology requirements. In Impact Gumshields the team now have the leading mouth guard protection in the world.”
If you want to know more for your club, school or university please contact